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Apostle Larry J. Conner is known for his vibrant revelatory teaching/preaching of the gosgel of God’s Kingdom. He is the Founder/Presiding Prelate of Kingdom Reigning Embassies, Inc. (KREI), formerly known as Victory Unto Victory Revivals, Inc. (VUVR). He also pastor the Kingdom Empowerment Centre, (KEC), Conroe, Texas. He’s a retired United Sates army veteran, husband, and father. Larry has earned an associate degree from Northwestern State University and a Bachelor and Master’s degree from Cameron University. He has also earned an honorary Doctorate in Foreign Mission in Nigeria, West Africa. Larry and his wife reside in Conroe, TX.
For bookings and preaching engagements, you can contact Larry at 713-299-2024, email: allgvt@gmail.com or website: https://vuvr.org.
THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN/GOD IS NOT JUST RELIGION THAT ONE MUST CHOOSE FROM. It is the only message that Jesus, His disciples and apostles’ preached/taught. If the right message is preached/taught, it will allow one to look at life through God’s Kingdom lenses instead of the religious lenses that constantly keep one wondering if what they are looking for will ever come to pass. It’s about receiving a life changing event that will truly revolutionize your life. The message of the Bible was to teach the world about the good news of God’s Kingdom, where one can truly live a life of victory everyday. Are you tired, worn out and burned out on religion? God’s Kingdom is your answer. The Kingdom of God is one paradigm shift away. This book will give you a way out of a life of rules and rituals that only binds people up and not truly set one free as God’s plan of salvation is suppose to do. The gospel of God’s Kingdom is not just about an escape plan to leave this earth one day, it’s about a total lifestyle change, spiritually and mentally instantly. You will learn how to live a life in God’s Kingdom as a citizen of His Kingdom. This is done by receiving the Holy Ghost by being born again from above which will allow you to live the abundant life now. Larry’s aim is to help open the reader’s eyes and ears to the door of revelation knowledge that is available in God’s Kingdom. This book will help you make the paradigm transference from being a religious victim to a victor in God’s Kingdom.
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