Thank you for your interest in our enterprise. We prioritize data protection and are committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and relevant country-specific data protection regulations. This privacy policy aims to inform you about the collection, use, and processing of personal data when using our website or services. We ensure the utmost protection of personal data through various technical and organizational measures. However, please be aware that internet-based data transmissions may have security gaps.


To ensure clarity and understanding, we provide definitions for the terms used in this privacy policy:

In this data protection declaration, we use, inter alia, the following terms:

  • a)    Personal data

Any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

  • b) Data subject

Any identified or identifiable natural person whose personal data is processed.

  • c)    Processing

Any operation performed on personal data, including collection, recording, storage, retrieval, use, disclosure, or deletion.

  • d)    Restriction of processing

Marking stored personal data to limit their future processing.

  • e)    Profiling

Automated processing of personal data to analyze or predict certain aspects of a natural person’s characteristics.

  • f)     Pseudonymisation

Processing personal data in a way that it cannot be attributed to a specific individual without additional information.

  • g)    Controller

The entity determining the purposes and means of personal data processing.

  • h)    Processor

The entity processing personal data on behalf of the controller.

  • i)      Recipient

A person or entity to whom personal data is disclosed.

  • j)      Third party

Any person or entity other than the data subject, controller, processor, or authorized personnel.

  • k)    Consent

Freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s agreement to process their personal data.

Data Collection and Usage

When you visit our website, no personal data is collected unless you choose to use specific services that require it. In such cases, we obtain your consent for the processing of personal data, except when there is a statutory basis for processing.

Rights of Data Subjects

We respect your rights regarding your personal data. You have the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict, or object to the processing of your personal data. You can also request data portability and withdraw your consent at any time.


We implement technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. However, complete security of internet-based data transmissions cannot be guaranteed.

Data Transfer

We do not transfer personal data to third parties unless required by law or with your explicit consent.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

Our website may use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and track usage patterns. You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Children’s Privacy

Our services are not intended for children under the age of 16. If we unintentionally collect personal data from a child, we will delete it upon discovery.


If you have any questions, requests, or concerns regarding your personal data or this privacy policy, please contact us.

Updates to Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page.


The website of World Wide Publicists uses cookies, which are text files stored in a computer system via an internet browser. These cookies may contain a unique identifier (cookie ID) that allows the website to recognize and differentiate individual internet browsers. Cookies enable World Wide Publicists to provide more user-friendly services and optimize the website’s content based on user preferences. For example, cookies can store login information or shopping cart contents in an online shop.

Users can prevent the setting of cookies through their internet browser settings and delete existing cookies at any time. However, disabling cookies may limit the functionality of the website.

Collection of General Data and Information

When accessing the website, World Wide Publicists collects general data and information, such as browser types and versions, operating systems, referrers, sub-websites, date and time of access, IP addresses, and internet service providers. This information is necessary to deliver website content correctly, optimize content and advertisements, maintain the website’s viability and technology, and provide law enforcement with data for criminal prosecution in case of cyber-attacks. The data is analyzed anonymously to enhance data protection and security.

Subscription to Newsletters

Users have the option to subscribe to World Wide Publicists’ newsletter. The newsletter subscription requires the user to provide their valid email address and complete the registration process (double opt-in). The IP address and registration date are also stored for legal protection purposes. The collected data is used solely for sending the newsletter and will not be transferred to third parties. Subscribers may receive additional emails if necessary for newsletter operation or registration-related matters. Users can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time, and their consent for data storage can be revoked through a link in each newsletter or by contacting the controller directly.

For any questions or concerns regarding data protection or this privacy policy, please contact World Wide Publicists using the provided contact information.

Name and Address of the Controller:
World Wide Publicists
Suite 337 7950 NW 53rd St., Miami, FL 33166 USA
Phone: (800) 419 3014


The newsletter sent by World Wide Publicists contains tracking pixels, which are small graphics embedded in HTML-format emails. These tracking pixels enable log file recording and analysis, allowing statistical analysis of the success or failure of online marketing campaigns. By using tracking pixels, World Wide Publicists can determine if and when an email was opened by a data subject and which links in the email were accessed.

The personal data collected through tracking pixels are stored and analyzed by World Wide Publicists to optimize newsletter delivery and tailor content to the interests of the data subjects. These personal data are not shared with third parties. Data subjects have the right to revoke their consent to tracking, which can be done through the double-opt-in procedure. Upon revocation, the personal data collected through tracking pixels will be deleted by the controller. The withdrawal from the newsletter subscription is considered as a revocation of consent.

Contact Possibility via the Website

The World Wide Publicists website provides contact information that enables quick electronic communication with the enterprise. When a data subject contacts the controller via email or contact form, the personal data transmitted voluntarily by the data subject is automatically stored for the purpose of processing and communication. This personal data is not transferred to third parties.

Comments Function in the Blog on the Website

World Wide Publicists allows users to leave comments on individual blog posts on their website. When a data subject leaves a comment, it is stored and published, along with the chosen pseudonym and date of the commentary. The IP address of the data subject is also logged for security reasons in case of legal violations or illegal content. However, this personal data is not shared with third parties, unless required by law or for the defense of the data controller.

Routine Erasure and Blocking of Personal Data

The data controller (World Wide Publicists) processes and stores personal data of data subjects only for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose of storage or as required by law. Once the storage purpose is fulfilled, or the legal storage period expires, the personal data is routinely blocked or erased in accordance with legal requirements.

Rights of the Data Subject

The data subjects have the following rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  • a) Right of confirmation

Data subjects can obtain confirmation from the controller whether personal data concerning them is being processed.

  • b) Right of access

Data subjects can obtain information about their personal data stored by the controller, including the purpose of processing, categories of personal data, recipients, and the right to request data portability.

  • c) Right to rectification

Data subjects have the right to request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

  • d) Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten)

Data subjects can request the erasure of personal data without undue delay, under certain conditions.

  • e) Right of restriction of processing

Data subjects have the right to request the restriction of processing under certain circumstances.

  • f) Right to data portability

Data subjects have the right to receive personal data in a structured, machine-readable format and transmit it to another controller.

  • g) Right to object

Data subjects can object to the processing of personal data in certain situations, including profiling for direct marketing purposes.

To exercise these rights, data subjects can contact any employee of World Wide Publicists.

  • h) Automated Individual Decision-making, Including Profiling

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, if that decision produces legal effects concerning them or significantly affects them. This right applies unless the decision is necessary for entering into or performing a contract between the data subject and the data controller, authorized by Union or Member State law with suitable measures to protect the data subject’s rights and freedoms, or based on the data subject’s explicit consent.

If the decision falls under one of the exceptions (necessary for a contract or based on explicit consent), World Wide Publicists must implement measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms, such as providing the right to obtain human intervention, express their point of view, and challenge the decision.

If the data subject wishes to exercise the rights concerning automated individual decision-making, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the World Wide Publicists.

  • i) Right to Withdraw Data Protection Consent

Data subjects have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data at any time. If a data subject wishes to withdraw consent, they can contact any employee of World Wide Publicists to exercise this right.

Data Protection Provisions about the Application and Use of Facebook

World Wide Publicists has integrated components of the social network Facebook on its website. When a data subject visits the website and interacts with Facebook components (e.g., “Like” button or comments), Facebook receives information about the visit, regardless of whether the data subject clicks on the component or not. If the data subject is logged in to Facebook during the visit, Facebook associates this information with the data subject’s Facebook account.

Data subjects who wish to prevent this data transfer to Facebook can log out of their Facebook account before visiting the website. For more details on Facebook’s data collection, processing, and privacy options, data subjects can refer to Facebook’s data protection guidelines.

Data Protection Provisions about the Application and Use of Google Analytics (with Anonymization Function)

World Wide Publicists uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service, to analyze website traffic and behavior of visitors. Google Analytics collects data about the website from which a visitor came, which sub-pages were visited, and other relevant information. To protect the data subject’s privacy, Google Analytics uses the application “_gat._anonymizeIp” to anonymize the IP address when accessed from a European Union member state or another country in the European Economic Area.

Google Analytics places a cookie on the data subject’s device, allowing Google to analyze the website’s usage and generate reports. Personal data, including IP addresses, are transmitted to and stored by Google in the United States. Data subjects can prevent the use of cookies by adjusting their browser settings. Additionally, they can opt-out of data collection by Google Analytics by installing a browser add-on.

For more information about Google Analytics and its data protection provisions, data subjects can refer to Google’s privacy policy and terms of service.

Data Protection Provisions about the Application and Use of Tumblr

World Wide Publicists has integrated components of the blogging platform Tumblr on its website. Tumblr allows users to create and run blogs where they can post articles, thoughts, images, links, and videos. When a data subject visits the website and interacts with Tumblr components (e.g., Tumblr button), the internet browser on the data subject’s device automatically downloads the corresponding Tumblr component. Tumblr becomes aware of which specific sub-page of the website was visited by the data subject.

If the data subject is logged in to Tumblr, Tumblr detects the visit to the website and associates it with the data subject’s Tumblr account. If the data subject clicks on the Tumblr buttons integrated on the website, Tumblr assigns this information to the data subject’s personal Tumblr user account and stores the personal data.

If a data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Tumblr, they can prevent it by logging out of their Tumblr account before visiting the website.

Tumblr receives information via the Tumblr component that the data subject has visited our website, provided that the data subject is logged in at Tumblr at the time of the call-up to our website. This occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on the Tumblr component or not. If such a transfer of information to Tumblr is not desirable for the data subject, then he or she may prevent this by logging off from their Tumblr account before a call-up to our website is made.

For more details on Tumblr’s data protection provisions, data subjects can refer to Tumblr’s privacy policy.

Data Protection Provisions about the Application and Use of Twitter

World Wide Publicists has integrated components of the microblogging service Twitter on its website. Twitter allows users to publish and spread short messages called “tweets” and also allows communication with followers. When a data subject visits the website and interacts with Twitter components (e.g., Twitter button), the internet browser on the data subject’s device automatically downloads the corresponding Twitter component. Twitter gains knowledge of the specific sub-page of the website visited by the data subject.

If the data subject is logged in to Twitter, Twitter detects the visit to the website and associates it with the data subject’s Twitter account. If the data subject clicks on the Twitter buttons integrated on the website, Twitter assigns this information to the data subject’s personal Twitter user account and stores the personal data.

If a data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Twitter, they can prevent it by logging out of their Twitter account before visiting the website.

For more details on Twitter’s data protection provisions, data subjects can refer to Twitter’s privacy policy.

Data Protection Provisions about the Application and Use of YouTube

World Wide Publicists has integrated components of the video-sharing platform YouTube on its website. YouTube allows video publishers to set video clips that can be viewed and commented on by users. When a data subject visits the website and interacts with YouTube components (e.g., YouTube video), the internet browser on the data subject’s device automatically downloads the corresponding YouTube component. YouTube and Google gain knowledge of the specific sub-page of the website visited by the data subject.

If the data subject is logged in to YouTube, YouTube recognizes the visit to the website and associates it with the data subject’s YouTube account. If the data subject views a YouTube video on the website, YouTube and Google collect and store this information.

If a data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to YouTube and Google, they can prevent it by logging out of their YouTube account before visiting the website.

For more details on YouTube’s data protection provisions, data subjects can refer to YouTube’s privacy policy.

Legal Basis for the Processing

The legal basis for processing personal data may vary depending on the specific purpose of processing. Article 6(1) lit. a of the GDPR serves as the legal basis when the controller obtains consent for a specific processing purpose. Article 6(1) lit. b of the GDPR applies when processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject. Article 6(1) lit. c of the GDPR is relevant when processing is required to fulfill a legal obligation. Article 6(1) lit. d of the GDPR may be applicable in rare cases when processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another person. Finally, Article 6(1) lit. f of the GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing operations not covered by the other legal grounds, where processing is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or a third party, unless overridden by the data subject’s interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.

Legitimate Interests Pursued by the Controller or a Third Party

The legitimate interest pursued by the controller or a third party is to carry out the business in favor of the well-being of all employees and shareholders.

Period for which Personal Data will be Stored

The retention period for personal data is determined by the respective statutory retention period. Once this period expires and the data is no longer necessary for the contract’s fulfillment or initiation, it will be routinely deleted.

Provision of Personal Data and Consequences of Failure to Provide Data

In some cases, the provision of personal data is required by law or contract, and failure to provide it may result in the inability to conclude a contract. Data subjects should contact an employee to understand the requirements and consequences of providing personal data.

Existence of Automated Decision-making

The company does not use automatic decision-making or profiling as part of its data processing activities.